Advantages of polyurethane broken hammer damping block

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Polyurethane broken abrasion resistance, oil resistance hammer damping blocks, fatigue resistance and vibration resistance, wear rubber has said, about the advantages of polyurethane hammer damping block, let's with a look.

1. Protection of shock absorbers and suspension systems, to avoid damping core of the oil seal leakage.

2. Polyurethane hammer damping block adoption buffer principle, damping performance has improved significantly, a feeling of comfort Mercedes.

3. reduce fatigue after a long drive. Loading simple, not loose any screws vehicle.

The polyurethane hammer damping block effectively solve the problem of weak shock absorber spring, shock absorber performance resume.

5. The polyurethane hammer shock absorber to reduce driving noise, shorten braking distances, improve security.

Hammer damping polyurethane elastomer block has excellent overall performance, has been widely used in petroleum, mineral processing, textiles, printing, sports, construction and other industries.

Xiao Bian: lf

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